TrueIP demystifies the commercial feasibility of
your smart Invention, Patent, Trademark &/or Design by
searching, harvesting, examining and assessing global data sets.


TrueIP are a team of independent Australian based technical research and search professionals who have spent decades working at large branded Patent Attorney and Corporate firms conducting:

  • Patentability searching;

  • IP fit-for-purpose assessments;

  • State-of-Art;

  • Freedom-to-Operate;

  • Re-engineering examinations;

  • Design examinations;

  • identifying detailed competitor analysis and
    licensing and trade sale potentials;

  • IP unique features matrix gap analysis; and,

  • IP due diligence on patent, trademark, branding
    and non-patent data.

    TrueIP helps Inventors, Accelerators/Incubators, Patent and Trademark owners, Marketing branding firms, Investors (Angel Groups, HNWs and ESVCLPs), Accountants and Law practices make informed IP critical decisions with confidence while identifying the TRUE state-of-play of their technology commercialisation adventure. Also, TrueIP monitors this dynamic ecosystem providing valuable insights-as-a-service.